F.A.Q. Frequently Asked Questions.
- Are projects related to trade activities subject to the single permit issued by the Single SEZ Dedicated Unit (Articles 14 and 15 of Decree No. 124 of 2023)?
No, the trade sector is excluded from the single permit mechanism. Article 14, paragraph 1, of Decree No. 124 of 2023, in defining the projects eligible for access to the simplified single authorization scheme, which is the responsibility of the Single SEZ Dedicated Unit, subtracts those related to trade, which continue to be governed by Legislative Decree No. 114 of March 31, 1998.
The exclusion applies to all areas included within the Single SEZ, without exception.
On the other hand, the possibility of benefiting from the tax credit referred to in Article 16 of Decree Law No. 124 of 2023, where the prerequisites are met, remains unaffected for operators in the sector.
- Is access to the single authorization simplification scheme a prerequisite for eligibility for the tax credit under Article 16 of Decree-Law No. 124 of 2023?
No, access to the procedural simplification scheme of the single authorization, provided for in Articles 14 and 15 of Decree-Law No. 124 of 2023, does not, in any way, constitute a prerequisite to access the tax credit provided by Article 16 of the aforementioned Decree-Law, which concerns the purchase of capital goods intended for production facilities.
- In which territories is the single SEZ ( Special Economic Zones) operational?
The single SEZ, established from January 1, 2024, includes the territories of the regions of Abruzzo, Basilicata, Calabria, Campania, Molise, Apulia, Sicily, Sardinia.
- What does it consist of and what are the purposes of Advance Communication?
For a better service to the users, the S.U.D. SEZ digital one-stop shop allows you to interact with the Mission Structure by submitting a preview of the project/initiative you intend to initiate in order to understand whether this project/initiative has the requirements to apply for a Single Authorization.
The Prior Communication form is available as first option in the "Choose Activity Sector" section of the Front Office component, accessible following the click on the "Request Single Authorization" button.
Prior Communication is NOT mandatory and does NOT replace in any way the formal submission of the application and the consequent initiation of the procedure, but is intended to interact with the structure for initial guidance.
If the information provided with the Prior Communication is sufficient, it will be the Single SEZ Dedicated Unit that will indicate whether the initiative illustrated by the company falls within the regulatory scope of the Single Authorization and whether, therefore, a formal application should be submitted through the Desk and the ad hoc forms.
However, it is always possible to submit an application for Single Authorization independently of any Prior Consultation.
- Why do I receive the message "file archived" with respect to a Prior Communication submitted to the Single SEZ Facility?
Single SEZ Dedicated Unit examines, possibly interacting with the user, the submitted Prior Communication in order to understand whether that project/initiative has the requirements to apply for a Unique Authorization. To this end, it may request documents or clarifications to better understand the project proposal. Once the review has been conducted and guidance provided to the applicant, the file is filed.
In order to start the process, it is necessary to submit the formal Single Authorization application through the SUD SEZ desk using the specific forms and attaching the required documents.
- I want to submit a Single Authorization application, do I need to have it preceded by a Prior Notice?
No, the Prior Consultation is an ancillary service that serves to provide initial guidance by facilitating the subsequent submission of the application and is independent of the Single Authorization.
It is always possible to submit a Single Authorization application, regardless of any Prior Communication and in any case regardless of its outcome.
- When supplementary documentation is requested and why?
The combined provisions of art. 14 paragraph 3 and art. 15 paragraph 1 of the decree-law establishing the Single SEZ of Southern Italy stipulates that at the time of submission of the application for the Single Authorization all the elements and documentation required by sector regulations must be attached to enable the competent administrations to carry out the preliminary investigation.
If they are missing or insufficient, appropriate supplementary documentation is requested at the stage of initiating the procedure and, if necessary, also during the preliminary investigation.
- Can the Single SEZ Dedicated Unit instruct and issue a Single Environmental Authorization (AUA) measure?
The issuance of the Single Environmental Authorization (AUA) is subject to a specific administrative procedure pursuant to Presidential Decree 59/2013.
Only in the event that for the project/initiative to be launched, among the various authorizations, concessions or licenses to be obtained, the Single Environmental Authorization is also included, its acquisition from the competent body will fall within the scope of the single procedure referred to in Articles 14 and 15, paragraph, 4 lett. a) of Decree-Law 124/2023, in the form of an endoprocedure.
- What are the procedures for submitting the Single Authorization application?
As of March 1, 2024, the “SUD SEZ” Digital Desk became fully operational. In light of the achievement of this goal, the Single SEZ Dedicated Unit will only consider Single Authorization applications submitted through this Desk, as it is no longer necessary to use other communication channels.
- Is the “SUD SEZ” digital desk functional for the tax credit provided by Article 16 of Decree-Law No. 124 of 2023?
No, the “SUD SEZ” desk is the tool for submitting the formal Single Authorization application under Articles 14 and 15 of Decree-Law No. 124 of 2023, using the specific forms and attaching the required documentation. In this regard, applications, submitted through the “SUD SEZ” desk, which do not contain the application for the issuance of the Single Authorization but, on the contrary, are aimed at requesting the tax credit, will not be accepted.
- Where can I find the operating instructions for the “SUD SEZ” desk?
The operating instructions for using the SUD SEZ desk are set out on this site on the Access to the SUD SEZ desk page, where it is also indicated how to contact Unioncamere for assistance.
- What projects are not subject to single authorization?
Projects not subject to single authorization are those:
- subject to SCIA (Segnalazione Certificata di Inizio Attività), single SCIA and conditional SCIA referred to in Articles 19 and 19-bis of Law No. 241 of August 7, 1990, and those for which no permit is required;
- relating to energy facilities and infrastructures;
- concerning works and other activities falling within the territorial jurisdiction of airports;
- concerning investments of strategic importance as, defined by Article 32 of Decree-Law No. 115 of 2022 and 'Article 13 of Decree-Law No. 104 of 2023;
- related to commercial activities regulated by Legislative Decree No. 114 of March 31, 1998, on the regulation of commerce.
Operational instructions for accessing the tax credit will be released by the Internal Revenue Service.
- Where can I view the status of applications sent by the S.U.D. SEZ digital desk?
It is possible to monitor the status of an application, via the "Go to the Desk" button: this takes you to the so-called MyPage, i.e. your personal page where, among other things, you can get a list of all your submitted applications. From here you select the application of interest and, at the bottom of the relevant detail screen you can see the "Application Status (Events)" area, updated as you go along with the events concerning it.