Operational Guidelines for Administrations

How to interact effectively with the Single Digital Desk S.U.D. SEZ

The dialogue with the competent administrations and bodies involved in the preliminary phase of the Single Authorization procedures takes place in analogy with what is provided for the SUAP desks under Presidential Decree 160/2010. The SUD SEZ Desk, in fact, operates solely in digital mode.

In order to facilitate the exchange of information and interact in a timely manner, Administrations and public bodies are invited to preferably use the telematic mode offered by the platform, which allow web-based access and consultation of the relevant dossiers and related documentation and to be able to telematically send any answers or opinions to the counter.

 It is possible in fact to activate the Third Party Entity Desk, that is to say the interoperability via web-service, making the management of practices simple and immediate.

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