Digital Single Desk for SEZ

The Sportello Digitale Unico (Digital Single Desk) for productive activities within the single Special Economic Zones (SEZ), referred to as SUD SEZ, is established within the Single SEZ Dedicated Unit. SUD SEZ is aimed at ensuring a unified revival of productive activities in the territories of the Southern regions of Italy, as identified by European regulations, eligible for exemptions provided for in Article 107 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union. It consolidates the activated digital single desks in accordance with Article 5, paragraph 1, letter a-ter of Decree-Law no. 91 of June 20, 2017, converted, with amendments, by Law no. 123 of August 3, 2017.

As per decree of the President of the Republic of September 7, 2010, no. 160, the Digital Single Desk takes over the functions of single desks for productive activities (SUAP) in all cases provided for by Article 14.

Within the scope of the single SEZ area, SUD SEZ has jurisdiction over:

  1. a) administrative procedures regarding economic and productive activities related to goods and services, as well as administrative procedures concerning the establishment, expansion, cessation, reactivation, location, and relocation of production plants;
  2. b) administrative procedures regarding building intervention, including private initiative land transformation interventions, interventions on existing buildings, and on buildings necessary for the establishment, modification, and operation of productive activities;
  3. c) administrative procedures concerning the establishment, expansion, and restructuring of facilities dedicated to sport events or public cultural events.

Legal references: Article 13 of Decree-Law no. 124 of September 19, 2023, converted, with amendments, by Law of November 13, 2023, no. 162, containing "urgent provisions on cohesion policies, for the revival of the economy in the areas of Southern Italy, as well as on immigration matters."

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